Monday, January 21, 2013

We've had "it"

Last week was a rough one for all of us at my house.  We had "it" in the form of coughing, fever, chills, sore throats and headaches.  I'm still not at 100 percent, but I'm improving.  Hubby went back to work today. 

You know when you are sick one of the things that you do is sleep or nap a lot.  Some of us have some goofy dreams when we are asleep.  Just yesterday, I was napping in the recliner and I remember very well the last dream.  Do you remember your dreams?  Well, anyway, the dream had me at home and the phone was ringing.  It was my doctor calling me to tell me that I only had two months to live unless we got rid of the carpeting and drapes.  LOL!!  Now, I've been procrastinating over getting new window treatments forever for quite some time now, but I didn't know they were making me that sick!  I told my hubby about the silly dream and he had a good laugh over it, too.  I realized then that was the first big laugh we'd had since we had gotten sick.  You know you are on the mend when you can laugh again.  I hope you've been staying well at your house!  
Until next time...


  1. sure hope you feel better real soon. have a better week. when i dream, i dream in color & it's so real. wild???! then i get up the next morning - trying to figure it all out. why did i dream that? what is the meaning? point? reason? take care. ( :

  2. What a silly dream??? Can't we dream the strangest things!
    Hope you'll feel all better soon!

  3. I am so sorry you are part of the crummy flu statistics. Bummer. Sure hope you are all much better soon.
    Actually the dream made sense. I can see the tie in. You felt terminal and the drapes were on your mind.

  4. I've been having some crazy dreams too! SOOO happy you are starting to feel better and shared this laugh with your husband! wishing you a healthy week!! blessings ~ tanna

  5. It's a bad bug Cheryl and I hope you are both over it. My husband had it right after Christmas then I got it. I've had a chest cold for 2 weeks now and I'm still coughing. Take care. Blessings.

  6. Wow!!! hope you all get better soon, no fun......Take Care, Francine.

  7. Oh no, the flu. I've not had that kind yet. But, I did fall Friday morn on black ice and am licking my wounds.

  8. Thankfully we have all stayed healthy. But we usually do. We are very blessed. Praying for a speedy recovery for all of you!!!

  9. Haha! What a funny dream! We were sick over Christmas break. Yuck! So glad you are on the mend. I love Maxine!

  10. oh that is funny! hope you are all back to feeling 100%!!

  11. i love the way the subconscious works things in for us. :)

    glad you're feeling better!!!

  12. Glad you are getting better.

    Mmmmmmmmm, I think you ought to make sure you get those new drapes, as soon as you feel like trudging out and shopping.

    Mmmmmm.... Yes.

    Seems those new curtains are very, very important, to the *inside* of you. :-)


  13. Sorry to hear you have been ill and hoping you are feeling 100% soon. I had to laugh at your dream. Laughing is good.

  14. So far so good, though all around us have been ill. Both my daughter and daughter-in-law have had it and one grand. The other grand and my son are remaining vertical. So much for the flu shots as all those afflicted had had one. Guess it missed whatever this thing was.

  15. Oh! The most important thing! So glad that you and your hubby are on the mend and that your husband was able to head back to work. Yes, you are doing well if you can laugh. Are you getting rid of your drapes and carpeting? LOL!

  16. I'm glad you are starting to feel better and can laugh again.

  17. Dang Cheryl that was one fever induced dream! Last crazy dream I had we wound up having to put on a new roof~torture. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I did the flu misery in December. Broke down and got a flu shot last Wednesday. Might as well take it easy inside it is frigid out there. Take care!

  18. Are you sure this dream isn't some sort of a message? Ha!
    Glad both of you are feeling better.

  19. i have weird dreams also and i almost always remember them!!

    i am so happy you are feeling better and laughing again!!

  20. Oh my goodness!! I am SO glad you are better!!! I have many dreams and remember them. When we are sick we have such odd dreams, some can be very disturbing. The flu is am epidemic here, it is really bad. Drapes and carpet aren't good if you have allergies, but I won't give them up and take three allergy medicines.

  21. Hi Cheryl!

    So glad you are on the mend!

    Goofy dreams run in my family! I wish I would have a dream that tells me to get rid of my couch.... hehehe!

    I need new window treatment too - so expensive though. Guess I'll have to keep dreaming about it!


  22. I've really had some weird dreams lately, and when you don't feel good it seems they get really weird! I'm glad you are laughing again!!!

  23. Bless your heart, Cheryl... Hope feel better soon... I do sometimes have crazy dreams --but usually don't remember them...

    Prayers and HUGS,

  24. So glad you are feeling better! Your dream was silly. :) Happy days to you!

  25. Sorry y'all caught the flu bug- I've been very careful, but it's hanging over me like a black cloud..I just know I'm going to get it. Hope you all feel better soon!

  26. Oh, this sounds similar to the stuff we had...what a time it was.

  27. I am so happy that you and your hubby are feeling better. I had this during Christmas break. I still have a strange cough. No one can resist a smile with a picture of Maxine. I loved your dream. I don't remember my dreams very much; but early this morning I had a dream that I was in Labor with a baby. I am exhausted!
    Blessings and hugs!
