Monday, October 1, 2012

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  ~Albert Camus

It was a wonderful weekend and it's been very exciting to see beautiful fall colors emerging lately.  It was thought that the fall would not be very pretty since we've been so lacking in rain this year.  But, on a drive yesterday, we saw many beautiful and welcome spots of color.

The vines coloring the tree trucks red caught my eye and we pulled over on the side of the road so I could snap a quick pic.  There was quite a bit of traffic so we couldn't tarry long.  Others  were out enjoying the beautiful fall day, too.

Quickly scanning the area, I happened to spot this notice attached to a tree.  Warning!  No Trespassing!  Who? Me?    Hmm, I wonder if shooting photos is allowed?  

Talking about crossing the line, so to speak.  I just happened to have run across some of my photos on P.interest.  I didn't put them there and, except for one person, wasn't asked permission to have them put there.  Has this  happened to you and what do you do about it?  I know that I could put watermarks on my photos, but I really don't like to do that.

Hope that you had a beautiful autumn weekend, too.
Enjoy your first day of October!
Until next time... 


  1. I have never even looked at P.interest...but guess I should. I always hope people don't "borrow" photos, but I know they do. Love your fall colors!

  2. Yes I have found my photos on Pinterest and other places and like you only one person has asked to use my barn shots. They have been pinned and repinned by people I don't know. I don't know whether to feel flattered or ticked off. Most of them have credited me but still. I don't mind when it is someone I know. I don't think watermarks help much and I have come to the conclusion that if we post our pictures on the intersweb people are going to right click and take them. Sad. Hopefully they will at least give credit. I have signed up at SmugMug Cheryl and while it is not a blogging platform it does allow comments and your photos are protected there by right click. I have been considering posting there only but I think I would lose the interaction I love with the blogging people. Just another place for them to have to find their way too and figure out how to comment. Lovely photos Cheryl! I am ready for October!

  3. I am back! I wish Blogger, Wordpress and other blogging platforms would give the option of not allowing right click but there is always a way to get around things when you want to.

  4. Lovely!!!

    I find my photos on Google Images. -chuckle-

    What's to do? Me, I don't fret about it.

    Even if one puts a water mark on pics, I've heard some really *smarty-pants* people can remove it and steal your pic, anyway.

    Like I said, I'm not worrying about it, UNLESS it was pics of "Grands"! And NOTHING I could do about them being stolen either, so I don't post them.

    Wondering why people get upset about their pics, which they post on the World Wide Net... Being seen in other places, on the World Wide Net?

    Are they planning on selling them? Then best not ever put 'em on the Net.

    Is it a feeling of ownership? Of "I did that"! and "I'm proud of it."? -sigh- I don't think that very human feeling, can be solved either.

    IF we put 'em on the Net... Logic says, they are fair game. This is not right! Not proper! Not even legal, perhaps! But... How to stop it?????????????????


  5. that is all that pinterest is, a place to pin others photos and ads or things people like, but if you click on what you saw it links to your blog. i don't do pinterest but i did read up on it. i love the red vines you stopped to capture and the sign is actually pretty in the photo.

  6. ADDITION: Yes, my Icon is an old, old, old pic of a "Grand." Yes, it is. But he no longer looks like this.

    When he got out of real babyhood, I stopped posting his pics. -sigh- Just to be on the safe side.

    -sigh- I do so miss showing cute pics of my "Grands"! But if I don't put them on the Net, than it's not my fault if some *Weirdo* takes them, and does some awful photo-shopping on them.

    It's not a pretty world, folks...


  7. Your fall is looking beautiful. I don't think our trees have nearly that much color yet.

    I don't worry about anything of mine anyone wants to use anywhere on the internet. Now, if I was earning money with any of it that would be a different story.

    Consider it flattery that your pictures are that good!

  8. Yes, it happens all the time. If my blog is properly cited at P*interest, I don't fret too much. Your traffic will increase, which is the good thing...I think.

    Beautiful, scrumptious colors of fall. No, it can't be trespassing to take photos. We won't ask poor Kate. Oh dear!

  9. Hi Cheryl, lovely Fall post, such beautiful colors, enjoyed. Blessings Francine.

  10. Your pictures are beautiful Cheryl. I haven't really looked to see if any of mine have been showing up anywhere. Guess I'll do a search.

  11. I have had photos from my etsy shop 'shared' on pinterst with NO link back to my shop. Not everything ends up on pinterest with the original link intact and some facebook pages such as Oh So Shabby Debbie have created an entire page with stolen images from google and pinterst with NO credit back to the original source.

    Just because something is online doesn't mean its a free for all. Just like just because something is published in a book you can plagarise...same concept. Anyway, your blog is beautiful!

  12. You changed your header - it's beautiful. And unless you went on his property I don't think it is trespassing. Nice photos.

    I have to be honest. As long as it is not my kids photos which I rarely put on - I don't care if someone uses it - lol - but no one ever does.

    Yours are much better then mine.

  13. i would hope the person gave you credit for the pin with a link-back to your site. i've had some of my stuff pinned, but if they give a link, i don't mind.

    i also had a blogger in brazil actually take photos of my dogs and sunsets and post them as her own. i contacted her, she removed them and apologized, but since, i've marked my photos...

  14. If you're concerned about theft just resize your photos to 72 dpi and 6"x4". That way even if they copy them they won't be able to enlarge them for an commercial use. I do sign all my prints but it's a simple matter to remove it if you know what you're doing. Only Digimark protection stays embedded in the file.

  15. Your fall pictures and your new header are lovely. We have had more color here than I had expected too.
    I've only looked at pinterest once and saw a few of my photos pinned but they did have a link back to my post. I haven't checked it out lately.

  16. Your photos show how beautiful autumn is!

  17. I try not to worry about my photos. That is why I don't post anything about family, especially the grandchildren. I don't want them to be used for hurtful things. Your autumn is really taking on some color. Beautiful photos...thanks for your generous comments on my blog.

  18. Love your autumn photos. Unfortunately, it has gotten almost impossible to protect our photos. Hopefully no one else takes credit for them :)

  19. Beautiful fall colors.

    I read on Pinterest that you should always pin (or give credit) to the original owner of picture, recipe, etc.

    Guess you can look at it as a compliment. (I don't like watermark either)

  20. Gorgeous autumn colors! I can't wait for them to appear here!

    I really love Pinterest, there are some really cle

  21. Clever people in this world.

    My comment posted before I finished, I am still trying to get use to my iPad!

  22. Beautiful photos, Cheryl! And thanks so much for commenting on my blog today!

  23. I loved all of your fall pictures. I have some that I should post too. The weather is still fairly warm here; but I think it is cooling down later this week. We are having a wonderful Indian Summer.
    I always love the pictures you take on your drives.

  24. Such pretty photos for this first day of October. I like how you framed the first one.
    I have seen some of my photos on Pinterest. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but it seems they are always linked back to my blog so I guess that is fine. I've never been one to post too many "people" photos. I wouldn't like having my family photos taken in any manner.

  25. I have had some of my photos pinned, it doesn't bother me, I feel honored that people find them pretty. They almost always link back to my blog and drive people to my site.

  26. Your header is beautiful, I really need to learn how to do that!
    We got a burst of Autumn colors the past few days. I have to be quick and get some shots.

  27. Beautiful photos - I can understand why they have been "lifted" - though I promise (on my Gorl Scout honor) I will not do such a thing. My photos are not a great quality so I've never had problem with my photos...I'm your newest Follower, and so happy to be here.

  28. Beautiful colors! Beautiful photos!

  29. Autumn is looking pretty in your area!

    I've found some of my blog photos on Pinterest but as long as they cklick back to my blog I don't mind. Pinterest is really just a collecion of links--it is as if soemone has added your blog to a sidebar list, but htye have doen it through a photo.

    If my photo doesn't link back to my blog, for some reason, I comment on the photo and ask the pinner to give me the proper atribution, and most do.

    Pinterest also gives a code you can download into your blog HTMl that will prevent anyone from pinning form your blog--go here to get the code:

    Hope this helps!
