Friday, September 21, 2012

A question...or two

A wildflower somewhere in Arkansas

A question...if you don't want to answer, I understand!
How much time do you spend on commenting?
I love to comment, but it seems to take a huge chunk of time out
of my day.  Some days, I just can't get around to everyone.  Then
I feel badly because I don't like to leave anyone out.  Not that you 
are all waiting breathlessly for my comments!  :-)  I know it depends
on how many people you follow, etc.  But, I'm really curious how you
get it all done along with the normal daily chores/work.  Anyone care to share?

o O o O o O o O o O o

Don't ask me why, but I always take pics of our hotel rooms.

You heard me say that we had a wonderful and relaxing vacation.
I left out the part where my back started hurting after sleeping in 
those oh so comfy pillow top beds.  Every bed we slept in on our
trip was very nice, but much too soft and my back needs a harder surface. 
 I was really tempted at one point to just sleep on the floor!  This is one of life's 
mysteries to can a cozy, soft bed that you love sinking into 
cause such backaches?

Psst...turn around, I'm over here!

My back doesn't bother me much when I'm standing or sitting,
just mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep! 
I went to the chiropractor yesterday, so hopefully my back will soon feel
much better and I'll wake up feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed  and
ready to tackle those jobs that I have been meaning to get to this week.
This week has flown by, as they all seem to do lately.  Saturday is
officially the first day of Autumn.  So, I'll say right now...

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

Until next time...


  1. I feel your pain on both accounts.
    One reason I have quit blogging for now at least is that I was spending way too many hours every day hunched over my computer trying to keep up. Seems I was always behind.
    I have a bad back also and the hours of computer sitting didn't help. Wonder if you can request a firm bed when traveling?
    I still visit blogs and read in spurts. Guess I have reverted back to lurker. Hope you find a better way to cope than I did. Don't give up the ship.

  2. i love commenting. but there are time i need a break ... trips, chores going on, whatever it maybe ... but i always try to catch up. i love both followers & commenters. i really love the folks who stick around & are there to talk a bunch, to become my real faithful buddies. so i take it so seriously. we need to have folks that will be there for us in the thick & thin. so when i come back from a trip i do let that person know ... so they don't think i ran away. so if i do follow your blog i'm there because i love you & your blog & i want to keep up. me, i'm passionate about commenting. enough said. ha. ha!!! (:

  3. i was with you, found i was spending 4 hours a day trying to keep up with commenting. i found several ways t cut back, like putting a limit on how much time i comment, also i find by skipping a day of posting and no commenting on that day it helps. i still go to the reader and scroll through but don't comment. i like patty's comment about lurking, that is what i do some days.

  4. Good Morning.
    Comments - mine are pretty much catch as catch can. If I have a few minutes and something interests me, I will leave a short comment.
    Backs - I almost hate to go anywhere for that very back will start hurting. I saw where Tiger Woods was having a problem cuz he slept on a bad bed and he said that that night he was sleeping on the floor. Thank God for chiropractors. Love mine dearly. I couldn't do without her.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  5. I am struggling with that very thing now - there are so many other things I need to be doing, but I am spending several hours a day just commenting. I know how important comments are for all of us, but, I am seriously considering not following some of the blogs any longer because I am having so much trouble keeping up! Some of them are interesting enough, and I enjoy the photographs and commentary, but I am going to have to draw the line somewhere. I have stopped adding any blogs to follow because I don't want to leave anyone out. What to do...maybe if I wasn't so "wordy", I could just say "nice" and move on...

  6. "How much time do you spend on commenting?"

    Glad to tell!!! :-)

    I comment on all blogs I read, in "My Little Posse" of fav. blogs. But! I keep that number, to less than 30. Only the blogs, with which I resonate.

    If someone comes and makes a comment in my blog, I try to make one back in hers. But I do not automatically start to follow, read, comment in such. I don't have the time/patience.

    With less than 30, and not every blogger posts every day, I do it easily. Right after I post my own entry of the morning.

    Now of course, I am living the retired life and have no job to get to, etc. My time is really my own. But! If I spend too much time, at my computer, my back begins to hurt! THAT keeps me, on my own version of "the straight and narrow" of Bloging Life.



  7. Let's to the commenting part. I only comment on those blogs that are listed on my blog roll. I do not even attempt to visit all the followers, though often they get added to my blog roll. I look for "like-mindedness" usually, though I have found a number of blogs that I enjoy are way not like-minded. Ha! It doesn't take me long to make a comment as I type fast and think faster...hence the bungled comments and nonsensical comments that I leave. And I comment the way that I talk so if I am pausing one gets those ...

    I can't sit at the computer long without one of those backaches you mention so I sit for ten or fifteen minute stretches at a time and then wander off to do something else.

    Hope that your back is feeling better. Do you have a gel ice pack and a recliner? It helps to sit for ten or fifteen minutes with your feet up and an gel ice pack where it hurts or at least I find that to be true.

    Take care... Oh, and always blog and comment without obligation. Always!

  8. It's funny that you bring this up now... because even though retired, I am finding that I am having trouble keeping up with commenting, yet, I do like to encourage people. There are days I just lurk and read, and days when I feel compelled to comment. I have the same back trouble sitting at the computer... and for what's it worth, I have noticed I am getting far fewer comments than in the past.

  9. i get a ton of comments at my place, for which i am grateful. but that comes with a price - of time and loyalty to everyone who visits and comments - especially regularly. for every comment i get on my post, i probably leave sometimes twice that around blogland that day. i leave comments about 90% of the time because if i've taken the time to read/view a post, i want the blogger to know i appreciated their effort. there are some things i don't comment on - usually religion, heavy politics, recipes. but i want my visits to be felt, so i try to give them time, too, as i know all of our time is precious.

  10. I don't even READ every blog on my list every day, let alone comment on every one. I don't expect folks to comment on every entry of mine. I have enough things to put me on a guilt trip. I'm not going to spoil the pleasure I get out of reading blogs by making rules on how often to comment. It's supposed to be FUN!

  11. Cheryl I have struggled with the whole blogging/commenting/following thing for years. I left Blogger in part because of the following thing and blog roll. I just couldn't keep up with everyone and didn't want to leave anyBODY out. Now I don't have a blog roll at Wordpress and there is no public following thing. I do like to follow by email so that blog posts show up in my inbox. In all honesty it does make my heart feel good when I get a notification that someone is having my blog content sent to their inbox. It is important to me that people care enough to stop by my blog and look. I would like them to comment because I love a lively comment section but if they don't comment that's ok too. I love to comment on other blogs. I love to comment and read other blogs more than I like to push the publish button myself... :) I do find myself getting frustrated that I can't comment on every blog that I want to but I would have my laptop permanently attached to my body if I did that. I wind up all frustrated and have to take a break and then I am all frustrated trying to catch up. I am pretty much sticking to a core group of people's blogs that I love to read and that comment regularly on my blog. I feel like if they care enough to comment regularly that there is a bond there. I would hope that people would understand that I love reading lots of blogs and that I may not always comment but I am reading.. :)But I know those comments are important to us. No fun blogging without comments. Lots of times I don't comment on blogs I love to read because I feel out of the loop but I still love to visit. I spend about five hours a day reading and commenting. Crazy. Some days I love it and some days it drives me to distraction and feels like a job. Commenting, the quandary and or befuddlement of blogging!! What about whether to comment to each comment made on our blogs? Oy! I feel the need and want to answer comments made at my blog because people took the time to say Hey! I was here and enjoyed myself. But maybe people don't want my comments clogging up their inbox and maybe they don't care about what I have to say back?! More befuddlement. I have written a novel here. THE END. Hope your back is better. I have found ThermCare heat wraps for low back to be my best friend during a cranky back episode. Enjoy this lovely MissouREE Friday Cheryl!

  12. Pretty yellow flowers! Cute squirrel! I make sure to visit everyone that visits me and I fit it in wherever I can. LOL Usually between doing ebay and having coffee in the morning and sometimes late night. :) I only visit and follow blogs that are interesting to me. :)

  13. I am sorry about your back hope it is back to normal today.

    I was spending about 5 hours a day and I just made a decision that I had to cut down. I am on about 3 hours now - on and off during the day.

    I feel in a good place now.
    Hope you find yours.

  14. I am sorry about your back hope it is back to normal today.

    I was spending about 5 hours a day and I just made a decision that I had to cut down. I am on about 3 hours now - on and off during the day.

    I feel in a good place now.
    Hope you find yours.

  15. For a variety of reasons, I do not blog as much as I did, but still read quite a few of my favorites. Sometimes I take the time to comment...sometimes I don't. I have even considered not blogging anymore, but doing an online journal that I can print out as a lot of my posts are family related. I think we all change as times go on. One reason I don't comment is I am in my 60's & don't think some of those young girls want my opinion on their decorating blogs! ;) My time spent online is usually more in the evening...or on days that I don't feel well & try to not do so much housework. I do enjoy your posts even though I don't comment as often as I should!

  16. I really struggle with the commenting. I've only been blogging since March and its already hard to keep up with reading and commenting and responding to comments like I should. I try to respond when I think someone is expecting a response rather than just a thanks or like comment. I only comment when something really resonates with me.

  17. I am struggling with having enough time to comment too. Even though I'm retired I still have a lot of other commitments and things I want to get done. I am spending most of today trying to catch up. I don't always comment on all the blogs I follow and there are some that I really don't follow any more but can't seem to un-follow them so they show up every day. I don't usually respond to comments.

  18. Those sink-into pillow tops bend your spine...that's my take on it, anyway. I never sleep well on them.

  19. I am so with you on commenting! I try to never visit a blog w/o commenting, so that's why when it started to take so much time I started visiting fewer blogs! :(

  20. It does take a big chunk out of my day and is starting to tire my eyes, but I love reading my favorite blogs and I do hate those rare days when i miss one. Hope your back is feeling better. :)

  21. This is a subject that has almost made me stop blogging all together! I finally came to this conclusion: Just as Vee mentioned, blogging and commenting without obligation is the ONLY way this "relationship" will be sustained! Blogging can't be a full time job, so I don't let it! If I comment, it's because I want to comment and have the time. If I don't comment, I hope the blog-friend is just that: a friend. Someone who understands you have constraints and is happy enough to have you visit often and comment when inclined.

    One thing I DON'T want is to make a comment which in turn obligates the recipient to comment on my blog. I know lots of bloggers who build a following by commenting simply to build a following! I don't enjoy those blogs when I suspect that's the case, and I stop following. I don't want to obligate anyone; in turn, if someone wants to read and not comment on my blog, I'm flattered that they stopped by. NO STRINGS ATTACHED is how I roll.

    BTW, I read your blog every time I sit down to read blogs...I comment when I can. And I take photos of our hotel rooms, too! Weird, isn't it?

  22. my blogging time is extremely random. i don't have a blog "routine" and i don't keep track of the time i spend blogging.

    i just try to keep it light and fun and only follow the blogs i feel a connection to!!

    i always photograph our hotel rooms, but honestly, i always photograph EVERYTHING!!!

    hope your feeling better, no fun to be in pain!!

  23. I do try to read and comment on the blogs I follow. I don't regularly follow too many so it doesn't take that lone for me.

    It's like touching base with old friends before starting my day which begins around 4 AM. That's when I do most of my computer browsing.

    I have hip problems on soft beds and sometimes even on our hard mattress. I though my hips were worn out; doctor told me my hips were good, it was my sacroiliac instead. The muscles tense up at night because they are not being used and that is what causes the pain. Once I move around in the morning, I am fine.

  24. Cheryl, I'm a novice blogger and have just a few followers, some I comment everyday, if I can but I work full time and my weekends are busy catching up with chores, shopping and time outdoors. When I first started the blog I wanted to get followers, of course, I wanted comments. I have a few really special places I visit and one is not a follower. My goal is NOT to succumb to mindless chatter. I like the people I associate with here. I went to their blogs because I found them interesting and credible. Some followed. There a couple who found me, I comment when I can or when they comment on my blog. It is Saturday and I should be out the door by now, but I felt compelled to answer this one. I make it a point to be honest. I just can't be here every day. BTW... love the latest round of photos! Hope your back feels better soon.

  25. I hear you about your back. We just got back from vacation and now I am doing exercises to get my back back into place.

    I comment on the blogs that comment on mine. We all like comments and I really enjoy each and every one of them and always try to comment back on their blog.... I feel that is probably the only reason they are commenting on mine... so I will comment back.

    I really enjoy the different blogs I visit and have made quite a few bloggy friends.

  26. Great questions. I must say, it really is time consuming to leave comments on all my friends post, but I do want them to know that I care and that I am interested in what goes on in their life.
    Maybe we should come up with a symbol that represents "Two thumbs Up" on the post that we really like.
    I love to read everyone's post and would love to be able to comment, but sometimes my life is way too BUSY

  27. Let's just say I got a lot more done before I started blogging and reading blogs. But I wouldn't give it up for a minute!

  28. I sometimes have a very hard time keeping up with commenting as well. I try very hard to get around to everyone, not every day but a few times a week. And if someone comments on my blog I always try to visit their blog. I have a horrible back. So many problems, so I feel your pain. Hope it's better soon!

  29. I love commenting, but I find I get behind really, really fast! I know I appreciate your comments, but if you can't or you have other more important things, then do them. Don't bother feeling guilty.

  30. I love to read blogs and to comment. Some days I comment to many, other days "zero". It just depends.

  31. I read this post yesterday and I've given it some thought but don't have any good answers. I think we all struggle to 'keep up'. I just can't keep up any more. I don't watch tv so this is my 'entertainment' but I still can't visit everyone every day...sometimes I only make it to some blogs once a week. We want to live our lives and keep blogging FUN so we have to just do what we can. Everyone understands. We're all in the same boat! heehee! I sure appreciate all of your sweet comments and I enjoy your blog! Sweet hugs, Diane

  32. I commented on the latest post first and now I realize you do have a gazillion comments and now I'm jealous! :)

    I have to have a firm mattress or I can't sleep and have a back ache or a hip ache.

  33. Hi Cheryl, I am a bit late on catching up on some blog reading. It's not possible for me to read every blog every day and neither do I expect people to follow suit with ours. There are some days, I read several bogs and do not comment (a previous person called that lurking). We have been told by folks that they have read one of our posts, but not commented. I used to comment back to everyone's comments but stopped because it WAS too time consuming. Lately, I have started with non-PC days in which I don't even turn on my desktop PC, but then I read blogs, news, etc on my iPad while sitting in bed at night or in the morning...go figure.

  34. I do the best I can with a full time job and a family. This week, I've barely had time to get on the computer at all. And other times I feel like I do a pretty good job of visiting my friends. Wish I could say that every week. I just hope that people understand that I'm human and there are only 24 hours in a day.
