It's true hard work never killed anybody,
but I figure, why take the chance?
~Ronald Reagan
Where do I begin...
to tell the story of how great a slug I've been?
The same old story that is older than the sea
the story that I've sung before to thee....
Where do I start?
Since it's the Love month, I thought I'd have some fun with a line from that wonderful old song from the movie Love Story. I remember BG and I going to that movie and me walking out with tears streaming down my face. I'll talk more about that movie another day.
I haven't got one (well, maybe one) thing done that I planned to do when I began my blog break. The word projects is going to be stricken from my vocabulary. I never seem to even get to first base let alone cross the home plate when I make plans involving a project. The Project is still a work in progress. We are awaiting some help to arrive (and who knows how long that will be) with a few things.
I do have a few excuses for my laziness and lack of progress with those projects plans. My right knee decided to start hurting and then, about the same time, I developed tendonitis in my left heel making walking really difficult. It hasn't been much fun trying to negotiate the stairs while doing laundry.
I'm better, but not yet at 100% and there are so many much worse off than me, so I've tried not to complain too much. I've managed to keep the house from being condemned by the health department and meals on the table. Otherwise, I've been sitting and icing the heel and knee, hugging kitties and reading some books. I think the newest kitty, Tuffy, developed sympathy pains because he took to limping a couple of days and was even off his food for a day, but he seems to be improving, too.

I haven't been off my food like Tuffy, but all the candy and cookies from the holidays are gone, thankfully, and we're trying to eat healthy. Trying is the operative word. It's hard to do when Rocky Road ice cream is calling your name from the ice cream aisle. Really, it actually opened the door and jumped into my cart! What's a girl to do? I just didn't have the heart to put it back when it practically begged me to take it home. You know what an old softie I am! Well, I only indulge in ice cream every chance I get once in a while.

I usually keep some fruit in the freezer and blackberries, raspberries and blueberries are a favorite combo, but I saw the fresh fruit on sale the other day and bought some. I like to mix it with some yogurt and whipped topping. Yum! In this photo, I just had whipped topping, the lite variety. It is so good and so much healthier than the ultra sweet Rocky Road. Which would you rather indulge in...ice cream or a bowl of fruit with yogurt/topping?
While lazing around with my feet propped up, I did some pondering about the future of my blog. I'm getting older you know, and I have lots I want and need to do and less energy to do it. Part of me said to just not come back. Blogging does take up a lot of time, as you know. But, the other part reminded me how much I do enjoy the blog world and of course I love all the wonderful people I've met here. I still have a few stories to tell, not to mention that this is a journal of sorts. My stories will be here for my children to read. So I've decided that I can't give it up just yet.
Next time, I'll share a decision that was sort of hard to take, but not surprising to me.
Happy Monday to you!
xo Cheryl