Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday to you on this first day of July!  Do you like coneflowers?  Mine have just started blooming in earnest the last few days.  I have just, in recent years, begun to appreciate this beautiful flower.  Don't know why I overlooked it for so many years.  We found so many blooming along the right-of-ways on our trip to the southern part of the state over a week ago.   We even passed a small field covered in them.  I was driving and didn't get photos, but I can tell you they were just beautiful.  I always think of the things that I should have taken time to see or snap after we return from a trip.   Tell me that I'm not the only one to do this!

This will be a busy week for me and I will be taking another blog break.  I don't think I've mentioned it before, but I've somehow hurt my right shoulder and have had trouble using my arm.  It seems to be a tad bit better today, but I have really been neglecting some things so I feel I better stay off the computer for a while.  I actually considered taking the whole summer off, but I just can't seem to stay away from blogland that long!  I need to complete my series of posts on the Wilder Home in Mansfield, so I may sneak in a post on that at some point.  If not, it will be one of the first things I'll do when I get back.  Have a wonderful week and have fun celebrating our nation's birthday on July 4th!! 
"From every mountain side
Let Freedom ring."
~Samuel F. Smith

Until next time... 


  1. Hope your shoulder gets better soon, I love cone flowers, all of your garden flowers are wonderful. Oh and I just noticed your cats, sweet photos of them.

  2. enjoy your blog break, hope the arm is better today... i love your cone flowers, and have never seen them growing. i keep thinking i will see if they grow here but keep forgetting.

  3. beautiful photos!

    Look at that red, white and blue effect!

    Take care of that arm!

    Have a good blog break!

    Happy 4th of July!

    Btw, yours is the first post on July 1st, which shows up in my-way-of-following-blogs! Hooray! It survived the stroke of midnight, when the old Blogger way, went poooof! :-)

    Hope all our new posts, show up somewhere, today, for our Dear Readers!

  4. Happy Monday Cheryl, sure hope the shoulder feels better, I also have a bad one, yikes......Love Coneflowers, one of my fav`s, beautiful pictures, Blessings Francine.

  5. I pray for healing for your arm during your blog break.

  6. GORGEOUS flowers and photographs. Hope your shoulder feels better soon.

  7. OOOOO, I just LOOOOVE your coneflowers, especially the last shot...with the purple flowers in the background. Very colorful!!!

    So sad to hear you hurt your shoulder....hope it's on the mend. We will all be here when you get back, so take you time and mend. You will be missed!

  8. Enjoy your break, we'll be here when you get back (please not the whole summer!). That flower photo is gorgeous! Happy Fourth to you and yours and hope that shoulder is better SOON! blessings ~ tanna

  9. I love coneflowers ... so pretty. I hope you will heal quickly. enjoy your break.

    happy week & enjoy your 4th! ( :

  10. i do love your coneflowers! i'm sorry about the injury, though. get some rest and enjoy summer!

  11. You are so lucky, you have cone flowers. Mine did not come back this year for the first time in a long time :( I think the drought last year played a big part in that.

    Have you ever been to
    It's located about 10 miles south of Jefferson city, between Eldon and Jeff on Hwy 54. They also have a catalog.

    Have a great safe 4th!!!

  12. I hope you give your arm a rest and feel better soon! Have a wonderful week my friend!

  13. Oh glorious flowers - I'd love to see a field of them. Enjoy your break and take time to get that shoulder well. See you later.

  14. Oh glorious flowers - I'd love to see a field of them. Enjoy your break and take time to get that shoulder well. See you later.

  15. your coneflowers are beautiful!!

    sorry to hear about your shoulder. enjoy your time off, i hope you do one fun thing, everyday!!

  16. Beautiful Cone flower shots. BTW... You are not the only one.

  17. I love coneflowers!! Hindsight is such a wonderful thing, isn't it? :-) I hope your shoulder heals quickly.

  18. Hi Cheryl, As soon as I get back from 'break' --you take one!!!! ha... BUT--I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder. Have you had it checked out???? You probably should.

    We had a great vacation --actually 2 trips!!!! Now that we are home for awhile, I NEED another vacation... ha


  19. These coneflowers are beautiful!!! I especially like the one with the larkspur or whatever behind. Have you gone to a doctor, or will you? I hope you are not in much pain, but pleas go to a doctor if it should not start getting better! I will miss you!!! Keep letting us know how you are doing!

  20. Sure is tough getting older....Those shoulders can sure be a problem when one of them is not working correctly.
    Hope it's nothing serious and that you can recover from the aches and pains....Quickly.

    enjoy your time off....we will miss you, but sometimes you just have to take care of other more important things. Have a happy 4th!!

  21. There are exercises for shoulder pain. If you go to a doctor to find out the cause, ask him about exercises. They really helped me.
    Enjoy your break but don't stay away too long.

  22. Your yard must be beautiful! You post the prettiest flowers and kittens. :)
    Take care of yourself. :)

  23. Oh no, you are not alone in..."I should have taken that picture"...Coneflowers are my favorite flower, and I can't wait until mine are in bloom. Enjoy your blog break and I hope your shoulder feels better.

  24. I hope you get over your shoulder problems...they are a pain in more ways than one!

    I was checking to see how far Laura Ingalls Wilder home is from here and it is over 6 hours...but I would still love to visit it. But would hate not being able to take photos.

  25. I do like Cornflowers but I didn't know that's what they were called!! Happy holiday to you too! :) I love any reason to celebrate. I wish there was a parade coming to town too. :)

  26. Your first shot is so cool! I love the background colors which really set off the colors in the flowers.

  27. You will be missed, Cheryl, but take time to relax and feel better. Blog land will still be around. Hope your holiday is glorious.

  28. Another set of beautiful pictures of flowers. I love the beauty of them all. Do get feeling better. You will be in my prayers.
    Have a wonderful 4th of July and I will look forward to you returning to blogland soon.
    Blessings and hugs!

  29. Hi Cheryl, I come back to blogland and you are leaving, ~smile~
    Cone flowers are one of my favorites, but I say that about all my flowers, yours are beautiful especially among the purple Salvia.
    Enjoy your break I will be praying for a quick recovery.
    Wishing you a most blessed 4th of July celebration.

  30. Enjoy your blog break Cheryl and get your shoulder back to normal! I LOVE coneflowers. They are all the way up 54 to Jeff City! I am kinda taking a blog break but haven't formally announced.. :)

  31. I hope that your shoulder will be better soon.
    I love the flowers, mine are doing well this yr so far also.
    Hugs sees to that he has the greenthumb around here.
    Happy 4th
    Enjoy your time away but you will be missed.

  32. I'm so sorry that you've hurt your shoulder. Time away from typing should prove wise. Your photos are glorious and, yes, all the time, I think of the shot that got away. =D

    Take care now and don't be gone too long!

  33. Cone flowers have just recently become part of my life. I bought one last year and just loved it. I think it was the plant itself that distracted me. Enjoy yourself!

  34. Yes, i like coneflowers, so pretty.

    Happy Independence Day!

  35. I've had a shoulder injury in the past that seemed aggravated by using a computer mouse. So I fully understand staying away from the computer due to a shoulder injury. I hope you feel better and heal up soon.

  36. Love the cone flowers ...ours usually do a good show but they are sparce this year.
    Hope this post finds you feelng better.

  37. I hope your shoulder gets better real fast! I've been MIA for awhile, so I'm behind, but I wish you a wonderful time off!!!!
